In 1999, the Domain was composed of 3.5 hectares. The average age of these vines is 50 years old. 2.7 hectares of chardonnay have been planted since 1999.
In 2015 we took over 1 hectare of 60 year-old Chardonnay. Our vineyard is planted on clay and limestone hillsides with two main exposures : South West and East.

We look after our vineyards according to the principles of organic and bio-dynamic farming. In 2008 we decided to make this process official and since then we are regularly controlled by Ecocert and all the wines that we produce from our own grapes are certified organic.
Particular attention is paid to the upkeep of the soil which is supplied with farm manure and regularly ploughed in order to develop deep rooted vines. This also allows the maintenance of significant microbiological activity within the soil.
We make our new plants from the wood of our old vineyards.
The harvest is done by hand and we use small picking boxes to respect the the integrity of each individual grape.